It’s that part of the wedding planning process where you get to register and shop for the things you’ll need most to start your new life together as a married couple!
We’ve put this list together just for you so that you don’t miss any of the most important things to add to your wedding registry!
1. Dish Set
Dishes are an absolute must, pick your favorite dish set and add it to the list!
2. Pots and Pans
Pots and pans are essential since you’re going from cooking for only one to two! Make sure you pick out all the pots and pans you need and want so you can cook delicious meals as newlyweds.
3. Baking Dishes
Whether you call yourself a baker or not, odds are, you’ll need some baking dishes for an event or some other occasion, not to mention they help a lot for mixing and cooking dinner meals as well!
4. Towel Set
Pick out some plush towels and get rid of those old ones you’ve had since you were in college!
5. Kitchen Linens
Towels are necessary not just for the bathroom, but the kitchen as well! Pick out a matching set for decor and for practical use, like cleaning counters and drying dishes.
6. Air Fryer
Air fryers are amazing kitchen appliances that have completely revolutionized the world of cooking! If you and your bride or groom to be are busy individuals with very little time to cook, be sure to add the air fryer to your registry!
7. Steamer or Iron
You can’t go to work or church with wrinkled clothes, so make sure you add a steamer or an iron and ironing board to your registry so you can look neat and tidy wherever you go!
8. Wine Glasses
Wine glasses are completely separate from your day to day dishes, be sure to add these to the list so you’re not stuck using plastic cups or coffee mugs to drink your wine!
9. Vacuum
Those floors have got to get clean somehow! Don’t forget to add this essential to your wedding registry!
10. Coffee Pot or Tea Kettle
Coffee and tea are not only essential to life, but they are also essential to social functions! You’ll need a coffee pot or tea kettle to get your morning started and keep your guests comfortable.
11. Silverware
If you’re holding onto your mismatching set of silverware that you’ve accumulated over the years, nows the time to start over with those forks, spoons, and knives you’ve always loved!
12. Cooking Utensils
Replenish or restart your cooking utensils with a set that matches the other kitchenware you’ve picked out!
13. Google Home or Alexa
For couples who love the great outdoors, this is an awesome idea! Book a campsite at an incredible location, maybe even out of state, and propose at the right moment!
14. Crockpot
Every home needs a good old-fashioned slow cooker in it, so don’t forget this cooking gem!
15. Toaster
Don’t forget to add a toaster or toaster oven to your registry! You’ll need it for the avocado toast!
16. Hamper
Laundry baskets always get overlooked on registries! Don’t overlook this essential item!
17. Printer
So far everything has been houseware and most registries omit this one, but printers are such a useful thing to have around the house!
18. Cutting Board
Don’t mess up your new counters! Add some cutting boards to your registry and ask for custom designs with the date of your wedding!
19. Blender
Add a blender to your registry for those post-run smoothies, baking needs, and anything else you can think of!
20. French Press
If you can’t tell, I’m a coffee lover and I think every home should have the proper supplies for making the perfect cup of coffee. French presses are perfect for one on one conversations with your favorite friends and family!
21. Chopper
Choppers make life so much easier. Make sure you add one of these nifty appliances to cut your time in half (see what I did there?).
22. Knife Set
Add a nice knife set to your list that will last forever, you’ll save money and shopping trips!
23. Mugs
Mugs are good for coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and any of your other favorite hot beverages! Add it to the list for some tasty drinks.
24. Pillows
Pick pillows for your couch, rocking chair, bed, or window seat!
25. Comforter
Last on our list is a comforter. As a married couple, you’ll need a bigger blanket, so go ahead and pick out the perfect comforter for your new bed!